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Mapleshade Audio Products
CD Treatments Speaker Cables Interconnects
CD Treatments
Big Upgrades, Small Costs

Treating your CDs and treating your audio cable connections is the cheapest way I've found to seriously improve the sound of any stereo. more...

Speaker Cables
Opening Ears with Speaker Cable

You may not be into stereo gear. But if you enjoy listening to music, sometimes you must wonder whether your speakers sound good enough. more...

Less Cable Equals More Music

Twenty years of striving to make perfect-sounding recordings has taught me that wire is a component just as crucial as speakers or amps. more...

Mikrosmooth | Optrix | Ionoclast | SilClear | DeoxIT Golden Helix | Double Golden Helix | Golden Parallel | Omega Mikro Ultrathin Analog | Excalibur Analog | Ultrathin Digital | Double Helix Digital | Zephyr Digital | Component Video
Brass Footers Maple Platforms and Amp Stands SAMSON Equipment Racks
Brass Footers
Internal Vibrations Muddy Sound

Who would have thought three brass footers could transform the sound of each of your stereo components? more...

Maple Platforms and Amp Stands
The Sound Of Maple

Stands and platforms—at least good ones — transform the sound of speakers and electronics. Surprisingly, the very best ones use maple, not space-age materials. more...

SAMSON Equipment Racks

You get better sound with a massively solid, really rigid rack designed from the ground up for resonance-free vibration control. That’s how I designed the SAMSON. more...

Heavyfoot | Carpet-Piercing Heavyfeet | Threaded Heavyfeet | Triplepoints | Mega-Mounts | Threaded Megafeet | Micropoint Footers | Radiused Footers | B&W Speaker Footer Kits Platforms | Amp Stands | IsoBlocks SAMSON v.1 | SAMSON v.2 | SAMSON v.3
AC Power Conditioning Maple Speaker Stands Brass Weights
AC Power Conditioning
Pure AC Power

Pure AC power makes a huge difference in sound. Power cords and/or conditioners have the potential to really purify AC power. more...

Maple Speaker Stands
Hear Your Speakers' Full Potential

No stand matches the rigidity and resonance-free vibration path of our solid maple. more...

Brass Weights
Enhanced Vibration Control

Brass weights carry even more punch than lead — and there’s more sparkle in the details with much better dynamics. more...

Power Cords | Power Conditioning Strips | Stratum AC Conditioners | AC Cord Kits Maple Bedrocks | Bedrock Ultras | Maple Speaker Plinth | Gilbraltars | Rooted Buttress | Ne Plus Ultra | B&W Speaker Footer Kits Heavyhats | Micropoint Heavyhats | Hemispherical Heavyhat Triplepoints | Tube Anchors
Vintage Tub Gear Phonophile Upgrades Omega Mikro Cables
Vintage Tube Gear
High End Sound for $795 and Up

A few years ago, I and a friend who’s a vintage tube specialist discovered the magic of ’60s small-tube amps. more...

Phonophile Upgrades
Mapleshade's Phonophile Upgrades

My new Phonophile product family consists of upgrades that dramatically improve the sound of LPs. more...

Omega Mikro Cables
Amplifiers | Tuners | Receivers Platforms | Triplepoint Adapter Kits | Record Coupling System | Nanomounts | Record Cleaning | Record Brush | Nuance Tracking Force Scale Digital Interconnects | Analog Interconnects | Speaker Cables | Power Cord | Power Conditioner
Accessories Custom Maple Products
Mapleshade Accessories

More upgrade products. more...

The Sound Of Maple

We do lots of custom platforms and speaker stands for customers with unusually sized components or speakers — or with unusual space and shape requirements for racks. We have built non-rectangular platforms, speaker stands up to 5 feet high, multi-bay racks, racks with staggered shelf heights and overhanging shelves. Based on that extensive experience, we are happy to offer in-depth design ideas and advice to solve special room, décor, or system problems. Where our handsome clear lacquer finish doesn’t fit in with room décor, we offer custom options of cherry, rosewood or black. more...

IsoBlocks | Cable Lifts | Jumpers | Furniture Savers Color Samples | Product Photos | Customer Photos | Tour


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